Man - Hiker on a line and text: "You can only follow one trail at the time" Hiking cartoon and drawing by Frits Ahlefeldt

We are hardwired to only walk one path, to only do one thing at the time

Cartoon: Hiker leaving the lottery cue. With text: "Abandoning hope". Hiking cartoon and drawing by Frits Ahlefeldt

Hoping for change can put the odds against us

illustration of monument with pigeon on it and a girl feeding pigeon besides it. Text Monument and Moment. Hiking cartoon and drawing by Frits Ahlefeldt

Two ways to make a difference…

man with backpack thinking "maybe our steps define us more than our thoughts" art by Frits Ahlefeldt

Logbook 29. June 2018 – Love the simple logic of how the steps we take defines where we go

Drawing of a fish thinking

What is water?

Drawing of a snake in a shop with watches

Drawing: The watchmaker in Paradise

Drawing of a truckload of time

Time as something you can put in a truck

Boy that wants to write To Cool for School, but spell: to Gool For Schol

The importance of learning the basics

Drawing of a guy standing in front of worse, wanting to get to better

Challenge of getting better

King drinking beer and waiting in front of his TV, with a show of his lost kingdom

Waiting for the action, instead of taking it

Fish swimming in a tube with test signs over them

You can test for stress, for success and for results but not for all the things that are lost by testing.

illustration of a pencil connecting the dots
Beached sailor, still holding on to the steering wheel

The hard choice between moving on or letting go

drawing of a keyhole with people reaching it

drawing of people happy to have found a keyhole, and a way to get to it

Man hiding in self-help book

Drawing about Self-help books and comfort zones

Is it possible to choose between feelings? illustration by HikingArtist

Illustration of a carrot and a Stick in a set

Drawing of the old reward and punishment system as a gift set

Woman at a roulette wheel of life

Life-coach, dices or free choice in the TV reality show Casino

academic muses around a guy writing

Drawing about Inspiration and influence when writing

Drawing of a landscape with a highway and some stepping stones islands

Sketching up strategies between the safe road forward and jumping of in unknown directions